The last few years have not been bumpy. It hasn’t been smooth either. Three words. A rollercoaster ride. I’ve changed my behaviour to fit in. I’ve altered the frame of my mind for love. I’ve sabotaged myself countlessly. I’ve done things and things.
There’s an implied perception that the journey to finding yourself is never easy. You keep learning all your life. About the energy, you need for some moments, and most times, in the long run. If you’re not been careful about the right choices, vacuum sets in. Then, negativity fills it, and the rest is nothing worth talking about.
But, if for anything, I’m grateful for the chance to grow. The privilege to have a mind of my own. The grace to discern when to stop or keep going. The opportunity to dream. The strength to not lose myself knees deep. I think a lot about the people I’ve seen. People who don’t have that luxury, or worse, people who are not aware that they lack it. Sometimes, my part-time insecurity gets the best of me, and I start to fear that I might just be one of them. But, I think again. What does it mean to be able to worry about something like that? It means that you are on the path to being right. Sometimes, having your heart in the right place implies that you let your fear feed your desire to grow.